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Monitor Merrimac

Monitor Merrimac Area

This trail has a lot of history and interesting things to see in addition to some beginner to intermediate riding. Dino fossils, slick rock single track and old west relics.





5.3 miles

2-4 Hours

Trail Type:


Required Gear:



Standard gear





All Year


The Monitor and Merrimac area, just north of Moab, contains a large network of trails and recreational opportunities. Mountain biking, 4x4, dirt biking and ATV riding are all options here. Besides trails, the scenery and history here is amazing. Dinosaur fossils and tracks, stagecoach stops, monoliths and mesas.

Trailhead Info

Head north out of Moab on Highway 191. You’ll pass Arches National Park entrance and continue your way towards the Dead Horse Point turn off. When you get to the Dead Horse and Canyonlands Island in the Sky turn off (on your left) continue north on Highway 191 for another 6.4 miles. The turn off will be on the west side of the road or your left-hand side. The turn off will be signed Mill Canyon. After making the turn, you’ll immediately cross the railroad tracks and the road will turn to dirt. Follow the dirt road to a fork and stay left. You’ll see a parking area and open camping on your right. Park here to begin the loop. Most cars should be able to easily make it to the trailhead. The road can be washboard though.

Trail Info

This trail is a loop and can be ridden in either direction. However, going clockwise is preferred because the last part of the trail is pretty sandy. You can either return on the sandy section or turn around and peddle back on easier slick rock.


Begin by heading south on the dirt road. You’ll soon see a road heading right. This is the return part of the loop. This is also where the dinosaur fossils and tracks are. Make sure to check these out at some point on your ride. To continue on the trail going clockwise, stay left at this road and head towards the Halfway Stage Station. The next road on your right will go to Halfway.


When you reach the Halfway Stage Station, check out the old west house remains. This is where the road riding ends, and the single-track starts. Look for the single-track trail on the south side of the Station lot. Jump on the single-track and continue south. You’ll begin to enter into a slickrock canyon with dramatic mesas on each side. This part of the trail has some mixed sand and slickrock, but the riding will get easier as you leave the heavier sandy areas of the road.


When the large slickrock mesa ends on your right, you will see a cutoff trail. You can take this if you want to shorten the loop. Otherwise, continue south around the next mesa. As you reach the southern terminus of this mesa the trail will turn west and then eventually back north. The slickrock will descend slightly as it makes its way back north.


When you reach the jeep road, the slickrock ends and you will be back on the sandy roads. Continue north back to your car or if you don’t feel like dealing with the sand, turn around and head back the way you came.

Elevation Profile and Map


Monitor Merrimac

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